Glittering, Sparkling Makeup: Stila All Over Shimmer Liquid Luminizer

Glittering, Sparkling Makeup: Stila All Over Shimmer Liquid Luminizer
By  | Nov 30, 2006

Like Benefit's High Beam, Stila's All Over Shimmer Liquid Luminizer is a gorgeous liquid glamouriser - you can dicky up your face, collar bones and decolletage with a luminous glow that will catch the light. It'll add a lovely flirty sheen and luminosity to your skin, and you can even use it after foundation and powder. It comes in 3 shades and will set you back €24 from Brown Thomas.

But we don't want to pay that for it, do we? Noooooo. So lets have a little gander at Strawberrynet. And of course they can oblige! €13.50 plus free shipping? BARGAIN!
