Skincare makeup - what is is and why you need to try it

Skincare makeup - what is is and why you need to try it
By Rebecca Todd  | Nov 27, 2017

Switching to skincare makeup may be the way forward for anybody who suffers with acne or general dry skin conditions in winter.

For me, I didn't really notice the effect that wearing makeup every day was having on my skin. I have always suffered with extreme dry patches, round patches of flaky dry skin on my cheeks. In fact, dry patches turn up all over my body on occasion, but it's always more of a problem on your face. Flaky skin does not cover well. Makeup only serves to highlight it and make it look worse. I used to carry a touch-up kit of MAC Strobe Cream and Studio Sculpt foundation and keep topping up through the day. It was the only way to keep the makeup moist and fresh on my skin.

Wearing makeup can have the same nasty effects on acne sufferers. Many people with acne will be sure to have a fresh breakout the day after wearing makeup. This suddenly clicked with me. Makeup was probably affecting my skin condition too. As a makeup artist, wearing makeup is a daily essential so makeup-free days weren't really an option. So, as an experiment and on the advice of my skin consultant I switched to mineral makeup. The difference is easy to see.

Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup

I made the switch six months ago, and I will never look back. On occasion, if I want a particular finish or coverage, I will wear one of my old foundations, or for certain photoshoots, I might need to use different foundations. But as a general rule, day to day I wear mineral makeup and my skin thanks me for it every day.


Bellapierre Cosmetics Mineral 5-in-1 foundation

I use Jane Iredale and Bellapiere, which is really coming into the public eye now. Miriam is a big fan of Bare Minerals, and a couple of weeks ago, we spoke to Clint, the brand ambassador for Australian brand Nude by Nature.

Has anyone else switched to mineral foundation and noticed the difference?