Here Comes Christmas: YSL End of Year Look

Here Comes Christmas: YSL End of Year Look
By  | Oct 30, 2009

Here's what's on offer for Christmas from one of my fave brands, Yves Saint Laurent. Their stuff is always great - frivolous sometimes, for sure, but always luxurious and gorgeous to use. As YSL has been sold to L'Oreal, us Irish beauty-writing peeps are in a bit of a transition period so while I can't tell you what the products are like as I haven't gotten a go of them, I can show you pix and tell you about them.

There's lots of nice goodies in the collection and the suggested look is strong and bold, so it's just as well there are two red lip products on offer, eh? A quirkly-designed palette is generally a feature of a YSL collection also, and this year there are two of those dinky little fellers on the left rolling out - above you can see the eye variation; there's also a silvered compact for eyes.

Want to check prices and find out what else is in the collection? Check after the cut!


  • Gold Glamour Lip Palette for the Lips, €58
  • Silver Glamour Eye Palette, €58
  • Mini Touché Blush, €31
  • Touché Éclat Collector, €35
  • Touché Brilliance, €30
  • Golden Gloss, €28
  • Rouge Pur Lipstick, €30

You'll find 'em on counter now - what'll you be asking for in your stocking?