John McCain's got NUTTIN' on Bertie

John McCain's got NUTTIN' on Bertie
By  | Sep 26, 2008

I read with interest yesterday on, that US Presidential candidate, John McCain, paid over $5k for makeup:

The 72-year-old Arizona senator paid $5,583 to makeup artist Tifanie White to make him up for a recent TV appearance, reports Us magazine. White, a 2002 beauty school graduate, previously was the makeup artist for the reality TV shows American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance.

That's not all -  candidate John Edwards was also given a hard time recently for paying $400 for a haircut. Jaysis, I thought.  The American public are obviously hard taskmasters, but their politicians have feckin' nothing on our ours. While Mary Harney apparently pays her own beauty bill, sure don't we all know Bertie was paving the floors of beauty halls and hairdressers the land over with molten gold from his pampering budget while he was in power.


A bit of canny Googling reveals a report from the Indo from 2005 which asserts that between the years 1998-2005, Bertie spent... wait for it ... just over NINETY FIVE GRAND! Yikes - I thought I was bad, but thankfully, no, the sleveen from Drumcondra has me whupped many, many times over. Oh - plus I'm honest, so that's another significant difference right there.

What Brian Cowen's spent so far on beaut.iefication has yet to be revealed, but my guess is, er, a big fat zero cent.