Last minute Christmas party prep: STAR by Julien Macdonald false nails

Last minute Christmas party prep: STAR by Julien Macdonald false nails
By  | Dec 21, 2010

So maybe you've been asked to a last-minute Christmas shindig with the peeps from work. Maybe a chat in the street of your hometown with an old pal has suddenly turned into a plan to meet later in the local for a catch-up glass of vino. Or maybe you've just been so damn busy writing cards, buying and wrapping presents, rewatching every episode of Nigella's Christmas Kitchen and planning The Perfect Christmas Dinner that you haven't had a chance to do your nails in advance of the annual few drinks with the girls.

Well, I gots you covered. These pre-painted stick-on party falsies from STAR by Julien Macdonald in Debenhams would be ideal for anyone who wants to do their nails for a Christmas night out but is too stuck for time to wait for polish to dry. There are six designs available, including a Minx-alike metallic gold and a very Christmassy red glitter that I really like the look of.


Each nail is pre-coated with adhesive, so no arsing around with glue's required. You could totally feck these bad boys on in the back of a cab without fear of accidentally sticking all your fingers together.

Buy in Debenhams stores or online. At €12 each, these ain't cheap (although there's currently 10% off beauty in Debenhams), but they sure are convenient!