Makeup can bring us together

Makeup can bring us together
By  | Nov 16, 2006

Had a really funny moment on the way into work today. You know, it could lead me into deep musings on the interconnectivity between us all... But nah, I'll just tell you what happened.

In the car on the way to work I was at a standstill in four lanes of traffic leading up to the M50. Laughing my head off at the continuing Colin Farrell sketch on FM104, and in anyways, I whipped out my makeup bag to do a little bit of multitasking. Now don't worry people I was totally stopped, with the handbrake on.

I looked over at the car beside me. Myself and the girl in the next car were simultaneously Touche Eclating under our eyes. We both had our mirrors pulled down and our identical little golden wands of concealer busily at work. We burst out laughing when we saw one another.


Ah makeup. It's a common denominator isn't it?