Myleene Klass: now haircare expert (as well as everything else)

Myleene Klass: now haircare expert (as well as everything else)
By  | Jan 20, 2009

If you've seen the new Pantene ad*, you'll have admired the super shiny, long and swishy hair of their new 'Global Ambassador' Myleene Klass. What is it with these Global Ambassador tags. I mean it's not exactly the UN is it. Will Myleene be solving economic problems in the developing world with her hair? Will her shiny hair be contributing to world peace?

So not only can she play the piano like a dream; sing; model; elbow Nicky Hambleton Jones out of her job in Ten Years Younger; make a fortune as one of the M&S laydees; become a perfect mother AND (apparently effortlessly) have the sort of hair most of us can only dream of.

Says Myleene " You could have hair styled to within an inch of its life but if it doesn't look healthy then it doesn't look good. I've been out on the red carpet and I haven't even styled my hair because it's in such good condition."


I don't believe a word of this. In the next sentence she goes on to say that she washes her hair every day because it's so heavily styled all the time. What do you think? That Myleene's lustrous locks are the result of Pantene and nothing else?

*She's playing Aerodynamic by Daft Punk in the ad btw.