Poll: What puts you off buying a beauty product?

Poll: What puts you off buying a beauty product?
By Beaut  | May 3, 2016

Did you know that back in the 1900s makeup was not really all that popular? The biggest beauty trend in the Western world was paleness. While you would think this wouldn't be much of a problem for the Irish or British, some rich people dabbled with face painting to make them appear even paler. With actual paint. Like, the type Van Gogh would have used. Which was full of blimmin' arsenic.

This might seem kerazy to us now, but dangerous ingredients like arsenic and lead still appear in cosmetics. Counterfeit cosmetics, but still. One glaring reason not to dabble in that particular shopping practise. 

As a nation, we've got very good at looking after our skin and using the right products for our skin type. We understand ingredients and we read reviews. Most of us are pretty savvy when it comes to cosmetics, but budget restrictions or bad recommendations can lead us down the path of beauty pain.

What circumstance would deter you from choosing a beauty product?


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