Rate it: Best Concealer

Rate it: Best Concealer
By Beaut.ie  | Sep 11, 2008

The wan beside you on the bus has just been to the sales in town - and lets just put it this way - it's obvious her credit cards must be maxed. But for every bag she jostles you in the ribs with you know your bags are bigger. Unfortunately.

Let's face it unless you're as fresh faced as a little daisy you're going to have need of a concealer once in a while (or every day in my case). And never have any nights out on the razz. And spend your days drinking pure water, eating broccoli and getting eight hours sleep...

Right so. That's settled, we all need a bit of help eh?


There's nothing else that can so dramatically and intstantly lift your complexion and make you look fresher. And younger let's not forget that. Up to five years younger. And conceler is absolutely necessary to hide spots and blemishes

So whether your weapon of choice is Touche Eclat, Hide the Blemish, Bo-ing or anything in between let us know what you find works the best!