Saoirse Ronan shares her Tropical Popical love with Ellen

Saoirse Ronan shares her Tropical Popical love with Ellen
By Beaut  | Jan 7, 2016

We've watched this so many times the words 'Tropical Popical' have lost all meaning.

Saoirse Ronan visited Ellen this week as she continues on her awards season campaign for Brooklyn and when DeGeneres brought up the Dennis Quaid's butchering of her name during the Golden Globes nominations, Ronan explained the where and why of her day finding out about her nomination and said butchering and managed to give Dublin nail salon Tropical Popical the biggest plug it may ever get.

Now when you watch the interview in full you'll see that Ronan didn't just repeat those words over and over in a mesmerizing manner like she does above, but she did mention it enough for DeGeneres to pick up on it and tell her to expect free nails for life.


As for Trop Pop, well, we think they were happy with the mention.

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