Three perfumes that would make the perfect Christmas gift

Three perfumes that would make the perfect Christmas gift
By Aisling Powell  | Nov 21, 2017

Fragrances can be a difficult present as they're so personal. Getting it wrong can be so easy.

If I were organised I would have started my Christmas shopping by now, but being a childless and overworked working professional true to my own Christmas standards I will, no doubt be doing a rush job on Christmas Eve while vowing that next year won't be the same. For all you insanely organised people (I wish I was more like you) perfume is always a lovely gift to receive.

I have done some narrowing down for you so you can give a gift they'll love.

Katy Perry's Indi €23.95

This is a light and fresh scented fragrance with bergamot, white tea, cedarwood and vanilla. It's on the sweeter side of things but not in a sickly way. The packaging is nice and compact, making it easy to carry around in your handbag for touchups throughout the day.

Beyonce Shimmering Heat €29.99


Beyoncé not only knows how to sing well, she also knows how to make a stand-up perfume. The bottle itself is a gorgeous attribute to your bathroom shelf and the smell is light fresh and uplifting. The fragrance includes pink pepper, jasmine and patchouli with a vanilla undertone. It's sexy and sophisticated making it the perfect Christmas present.

Viva La Juicy Glace €42.30

Personally, I'm a huge Juicy Couture fan. The style the smell and the branding tick all the boxes as far as I'm concerned. Infused with mandarin, pear, jasmine, vanilla and sandalwood it's a sweet scent which is not up everyone's street but it's light and fresh at the same time with a pink fluffy bow on top which will add a spark to your bathroom shelf.

Have you tried any fragrances you love this year?