Vitamin C Boosters: Why they are just what your skin needs

Vitamin C Boosters: Why they are just what your skin needs
By Sarah Jane Lanagan  | Jan 14, 2019

Vitamin C boosters are ideal for giving your skin a little pick-me-up in wintertime. We're talking about which are best, and how to use them.

Vitamin C boosters are a secret weapon for combatting lacklustre skin. And that's something we know all too much about during grey ol' January. Lack of sun, bills to be paid, back to work blues... they all end up on top of you this time of year, resulting in a bit of a 'meh' complexion. Yes, it's time to get back on track! And a skin booster might be just what your skin needs.

The good news is that Vitamin C boosters suit almost any complexion from oily to dry. Here's everything you need to know if you're thinking of investing.

What is a Vitamin C booster for?

The overall purpose of these is to give your skin a pick-me-up and kick start it back to life. They're ideal for bringing back a glow, reducing pigmentation from blemishes and improving clarity. You'll also notice an improvement in your skin's smoothness as well as overall skin health. Basically, it's what our skin is gagging for this time of year.

Powder or liquid?


Not all boosters are made equally, so which should you look out for, and which, give the best results?

The main problem with vitamin C is that it degrades in water over time (this process can be slowed depending on preservatives used). Once it's degraded, it becomes harmless, but also pretty much useless too. Which is why a vitamin C powder is generally believed to be a much sounder purchase. By keeping it in powder form, vitamin C isn't exposed to water until the moment you use it so it will remain fresh, and at its most effective.

How to use it

It will depend on which type you get (there are ones on the market ranging from budget to prestige) so always read the instructions first. But in general, vitamin C booster powders can be mixed in directly with your SPF moisturiser (or serum) just before applying it to your face.


Usually, skin boosters will take about a week to start yielding results, but that can vary depending on your skin type and condition. I trialled both the Philosophy Turbo Booster and Clinique's Fresh Pressed Daily Booster over the past few months. And both gave great results, quickly!

Would you use a Vitamin C booster? Have you tried any in the past?