What Deodorant Are You Wearing RIGHT NOW?

What Deodorant Are You Wearing RIGHT NOW?
By Beaut.ie  | Jul 24, 2014

No doubt about it, we're all feeling a little... moist at the moment.  The humidity is through the roof (lets not even GO there with the havoc it's wreaking on hair) and the temperatures are high, even at night.

While  other countries with actual seasons may laugh at our excitement at the thought of hot weather, it throws us into confusion.  And while we love having a proper summer in our own land it does call for more deodorant than usual.  Lots of it.


I'm actually wearing my husbands super strong Right Guard Triple XXX Extreme Macho Plus.  I think that's the name of it.

So what deodorant are you wearing right now?  Let us know in the comments!