Would you wear loveheart lips in the name of St Valentine?

Would you wear loveheart lips in the name of St Valentine?
By Rebecca Todd  | Feb 1, 2018

If you love Valentine's Day or maybe you just love love, we have a little idea for you to really embrace the occasion. How do you feel about loveheart lips?

Loveheart lips are not a new thing; you might have seen them before for 'the Queen of Hearts' fancy dress makeup. It's really just a silly but fun makeup trick that has been around for a while. The best thing about it is that it's super easy to do. If you fancy a giggle you could pop this on before your other half arrives for your Valentine's date and offer him or her an extra special kiss at the door.

Heart lip Insta inspiration:
How to create your loveheart lips

As you can see from this insta-inspo, there are lots of ways to create this look - here is one quick and easy way. I like to apply my foundation accross my lips with the rest of my face. Powder the them as you would powder the rest of your face, too. This gives you a clean base to apply the lipstick over and the colour you choose will stand out if your lips are lighter. Then use your creative juices; you can choose any colour for the loveheart. Then apply the cupid's bow straight from the bullet. For the point use a thin liner brush to get a sharp edge.

Will you try out loveheart lips just for LOLs this Valentines weekend?