6 Signs You Have An Unhealthy Relationship With Food

6 Signs You Have An Unhealthy Relationship With Food
By Kym Duignan  | Mar 4, 2020

Unhealthy relationships can be very destructive to your life. While we can also spot an unhealthy romantic relationship the signs of an unhealthy relationship with food aren't always obvious.

1. You hide your eating habits.

If you're constantly trying to hide your eating habits from co-workers, family, friends and housemates or you're always eating in secrecy then you may have an unhealthy relationship with food.

Feeling comfortable with your own eating habits & being able to eat in front of others is important for having a good relationship both with others and food.

2. You don't like or avoid eating in front of others.


If you avoid eating in front of others at all costs and hate eating out because of how public it is then you may have an unhealthy relationship with food.

Eating around and with others shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious.

It's a completely, normal and natural everyday occurrence that should be enjoyable.

3. You're letting food rule your life


Yes, food is an important aspect of life but it shouldn't be all you think about and it shouldn't be something that stresses you out and causes negative emotions.

If you're always worrying about what you're going to eat and are hyper-aware of portion sizes and calories then you may have an unhealthy relationship with food.

4. You feel very guilty when eating something "bad".

If you feel very guilty any time you eat something that you consider 'bad' for you and end up feeling bad about yourself afterwards or punish yourself for eating something 'bad' then you may have an unhealthy relationship with food.

Having a healthy lifestyle is all about balance, it's completely fine to eat 'bad' or unhealthy food once and a while and it's okay to give in to cravings sometimes.


5. You've cut out an entire food group

If you've cut out whole food groups like carbs or fats because you think or you've heard they're bad for you then you may have an unhealthy relationship with food.

As stated earlier, having a healthy lifestyle is all about having a balanced diet and you can't have a balanced diet if you're actively avoiding certain food groups.

6. You eat when emotional

If you use food as a coping mechanism or for comfort when you're feeling sad, anxious, angry etc then you may have an unhealthy relationship with food.

Food is a source of nourishment and of course, can be a source of joy too but there are other ways to cope with your emotions.

If these signs sound familiar to you, visit BodyWhys.ie  for more information or if you need to talk with someone.