Beyonce Gave Good Halloween at Ciara's Birthday Bash

Beyonce Gave Good Halloween at Ciara's Birthday Bash
By  | Oct 27, 2015

Beyonce's got those spooky contact lenses in and everything... Now that's going above and Beyond (apologies).

While everyone else - like Kelly Rowland, the Birthday Girl herself, and countless others, went for the usual nondescript sexy black outfit, Beyonce scared the Beyjaysis (we'll stop now) out of us in what appears to be zombie banshee regalia. OK, so she's clearly Storm from X Men, but there's no denying the bang of banshee off it.

Ciara, who turned 30 over the weekend, was thrown the surprise fancy dress bash by her fellah Russel Wilson. And if this isn't the face of surprise we don't know what is.


What's your 'go to' fancy dress costume? Cat ears on a black outfit all the way...