Downey Jr. Talks Interview Walk Out With 'Bottom-Feeding Muckraker'

Downey Jr. Talks Interview Walk Out With 'Bottom-Feeding Muckraker'
By  | Apr 29, 2015

While on Howard Stern's radio show yesterday, Robert Downy Jr. spoke for the first time regarding his walk out during his now infamous junket interview with Channel 4 for Avengers: Age of Ultron last week. And he didn't hold back.

When asked why he walked out by Stern, he called interviewer Krishnan Guru-Murthy a “clown,” “syphilitic parasite” and “bottom-feeding muckraker." There's obviously more: "I just wish I had left sooner. First of all, I don’t even know the guy’s name, but I know he pulled the same garbage on [Quentin] Tarantino, and Tarantino stayed in his chair and lit him up for five minutes."

He continued: "I'm one of the guys who is always assuming the social, kind of decorum is in play, and that we’re promoting a superhero movie - a lot of kids are going to see it - and this has nothing to do with your creepy, dark agenda, that I'm feeling ashamed and obligated to accommodate your weirdo shit... I just realized, too, that I’m a 50-year-old guy, I use fancy words on The Howard Stern Show, and yet I’m completely un-evolved when it comes down to simple boundaries. Like, ‘You know what? You’re weirding me out. You are a bottom-feeding muckraker."


What an amazing use of language. Note to self: Never get on RDJ's bad side.

Have you a comeback you're especially proud of? Or do you tend to be rendered mute on account of your body going into 'conflict shock'? It's exists. Get it every day. Very debilitating.