Seemingly Blake Lively flouted strict 'front row' NYFW rules

Seemingly Blake Lively flouted strict 'front row' NYFW rules
By  | Feb 19, 2016

Did you know, that if you get a coveted front row ticket to a show at Fashion Week (or presumably any catwalk show for that matter) that you are not permitted to cross your legs? It's not that you may trip up a model, or create an inadvertent Sharon Stone moment, more that your legs will interfere with photographer's photos of the event.

Rules are there to be broken, mostly by Blake Lively, who as a lovely set of pins and she'll cross them if she wants to. As you can see, she was not alone, with her mum, Riley Keogh, and others crossing their legs during the Michael Kors show yesterday. And yet it's Blake getting all the flak.

According to Page Six: "Those lucky enough to sit in the front row at fashion shows are told to uncross their legs before models strut the catwalk. 'It's for the photographers,' explains a fashionista. 'People's legs get in the way... It messes up the shots.' At Michael Kors’ show on Wednesday, Blake Lively and other front-row VIPs were personally told to uncross their legs by the company's chairman, John D. Idol. Lively didn’t appear to listen, and kept her legs crossed." adds: "Judging from photos of the show, however, the request fell on deaf ears when it came to Blake and her neighbor, Riley Keough. (Blake's mom, Elaine, seated on the other side of the actress, eventually capitulated and planted both feet on the floor.) If Blake felt somewhat entitled to do what she wanted at the show, it may have been because of her close relationship with Michael Kors."


How does she have such a close relationship? She doesn't have stylist and therefore chooses to strike up relationships with designers herself. Speaking via The New York Times, Lively said: "I don't have a stylist... so that forces me to pick up the phone and call designers individually and often build a relationship with them, given there is no middle man. What I think of them personally tends to shape who I choose to wear. And there is no one in the business more fun and generous and thoughtful than Michael."

You want to see that red dress is full, don't you. Here you go. And, yes, it's Michael Kors.