Trendwatch: Knicker "shorts"? My arse!

Trendwatch: Knicker "shorts"? My arse!
By  | Jul 9, 2012

The other day we were talking about what to wear during an Irish summer.  This trend didn't immediately spring to mind - but it seems that  every second chung-wan is rocking it around the city centre.

They're knickers, plain old knickers, but the word "shorts" has been added to their description.  For a while, I thought that we were in the middle of a wedgie epidemic. Then I realised that you're supposed to have the majority of your pasty Irish arse on show.  As you can imagine,  much pearl-clutching ensued.  I wasn't able for the shock.

I know, I'm turning into my mother, I just can't help but wanting to shake their 16 year old shoulders and introduce them to two-hundred deniers.  Girls, it's cold, you're cold! We know you're cold! There's no shame in wrapping up with a lovely gúna and pair of woolly tights - nobody is built to withstand the cruel chill of the Irish summer winds.

I try not to judge people on what they wear (except Katy Perry because, really, those fecking cupcake bras, why? Stop it, stop it now) and I'm not going to start tearing the youth of Dublin apart for their style choices, but I can't understand how they do it. Wouldn't it feel like you forgot to wear trousers? Because, let's be honest - that's what it looks like.


See, I was cool with the trends for stripper heels, skinny jeans and sheer panels - but baring half my arse in the early afternoon on O'Connell Street? It's not going to happen. Too far, I say, too far!

What do we think? Am I just too slow on the up-take with trends or is this one that you'll be skipping too?

Images from: Asos