Red Lips & Smoky Eyes

How to wear this look:

kate mossI'm not usually a fan of Kate Moss. Despite what Sunday supplements would have you believe, she's about as zeitgeisty as a copy of Smash Hits, but I will admit that she looks smokin' here.

This is how to pull off this look to perfection. Kate's makeup is just gorgeous - it's striking - but managing to be subtle at the same time. It's not screaming for attention and it looks great.

How not to wear this look:


lindsay lohanWhat is it with Lindsay Lohan? Allegedly styled by Rachel Zoe, (who can do no wrong where Nicole Richie is concerned, I might not like the stuff she wears all that much but it usually suits her and she carries it well) La Lohan just looks an un-coordinated fright most of the time. Yet everyone raves about her 'style' - it's beyond me! And her slap in this photo looks like it was applied by coco the clown after a few swift ones. It just doesn't work with that perma-tan.

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