What's The Last Beauty Item You Picked Up During The Weekly Shop?

We all make careful decisions when it comes to beautifying ourselves. Choosing the right skincare products is important (and so is testing and trying!) As for makeup, we often save and ponder and look for advice on what's the best new eyeliner to take the market.

But - I think we're all guilty of grabbing something off the supermarket shelf when we're dawdling around the cosmetic aisle. It's such much more fun picking a new shampoo than it is choosing a replacement laundry detergent. 

Shopping cosmetics- smiling woman holding shampoo

I love the beauty area in supermarkets. I always make a trip when I'm in one, just to see what's there. Sometimes they have loads of offers and own brand stuff that I've never heard of but have to try. 


If I'm being honest - which I always am - I do a supermarket sweep every time I visit a supermarket. I particularly like going to Aldi and Lidl where I'm so darn pleased with myself for picking up such brilliant bargains. Essentials like cotton pads always go in the basket. (I even got a hair tongs in Lidl. It was €7 in the bargain basket and was part of the Desperate Housewives range. I really couldn't have left it behind.)

What do you pick up when you go to your local Tesco, SuperValu or whatnot? Do you use skincare brands that can be found on supermarket shelves? Or do you shun supermarket items altogether?

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