HAH! In your face, Beautifulpeople.com! Irishmen are NOT the ugliest in the world.
Dubliner Aidan Turner, who raised pulses during his stint in Poldark, ratcheted up no less than 340,000 votes from the UK public who partook in Glamour's 100 Sexiest Men Alive poll. We've NO idea why...
Northern Ireland's Jamie Dornan came in second (32-year-old Aidan knocked Mr. Grey off the top spot, but we're not complaining), with the rest of the Top Ten looking a little like this...
3: Tom Hiddleston
4: Henry Cavill
5: Zayn Malik
6: Harry Styles
7: Justin Bieber
8: Robert Pattinson.
9: Matt Bomer
10: Prince Harry...
If you're wondering where the more mature male were positioned: Brad Pitt was no.91, George Clooney was no. 95, Justin Theroux was no. 96, Robert Downey Jr was 39, David Tennant was no. 20, and Idris Elba was no. 19.
To see the full top 100, make your way over to Glamour