The clip in question shows a 30-year-old Mirren being interviewed by Michael Parkinson about her acting career.
The interview first went viral in 2008 and is doing the rounds again since being shared on Facebook by Babe. The video has gained over 7.5 million views.
At this stage of her career, Mirren was already and accomplished stage actress and member of the Royal Shakespeare Company, and the questions put to her by Parkinson – ‘You are, in quotes, a serious actress?’ is his opener followed by ‘how do you find in fact that this, what could be described as your best equipment, in fact, hinders you perhaps in that pursuit?’ – are pretty horrendous.
Watch the interview here:
The actress has gone on of course to be an Academy Award winning actress with an ever-growing illustrious and varied career. She will next appear in Fast 8 proving she’s still a badass.