Jennifer Lawrence is nothing if not brutally honest. So when the New York Times fired a series of questions at her, she treated us to her trademark, refreshing form of bluntness.
When asked how she became friends with Amy Schumer, it was Jennifer who did the running: "I emailed her after I saw Trainwreck and said: ‘I don’t know where to get started. I guess I should just say it: I’m in love with you.' We started emailing, and then emailing turned to texting." And then that in turn turned into holidaying and human pyramids. That's not all - "Amy and I are writing a movie together! We play sisters, and we’re almost done writing. It just flowed out of us. We’ve got about 100 pages right now….Amy and I were creatively made for each other. We have different flavors. It’s been the most fun experience of my life. We start the day off on the phone, laughing. And then we send each other pages. And we crack up. I’m flying out tomorrow to see her in Chicago... Let me just text Amy and tell her that I told you."
Asked how she felt when Kris Jenner arrived with her birthday cake, she said: "I would love to talk about this. My two best friends planned a surprise birthday with a big surprise within the surprise. So I’m there, and people start singing Happy Birthday. Kris Jenner comes out holding my cake. It was the closest I’ve ever come to losing consciousness. I had no idea! I’d never met her before, but we’ve always watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians. And then Kris Jenner and I sang 'Build Me Up Buttercup' on karaoke and took that picture."
Asked does she ever Google herself, she said: "You try being 22, having a period and staying away from Google. I once Googled ‘Jennifer Lawrence Ugly.' Do I sound bitchy?"
Asked about life as a celebrity, she said: "I find a certain peace by thinking of me in public as sort of an avatar self. You out there can have the avatar me. I can keep me. And I just try to acknowledge that this scrutiny is stressful, and that anyone would find it stressful. So I’ve got to try to let it go, and try to be myself, and focus on important things, like picking up dog poop."
Finally, asked how she deals with anxiety: "I have a prescription."
Will we all be friends with J Law and ask her over for wine in fajitas?