Zendaya Coleman, the 19-year-old actress who set Twitter alight when she rocked a mullet at the Grammys and banged E!'s Giuliana Rancic to rights after those comments regarding her hair at last year's Oscars, was called out by American comedian Julie Klausner over her apparent weight loss at the Kids Choice Awards.
Zendaya's ultimate retort to Giuliana Rancic is starving herself down to the size of one of her elbowz
— Julie Klausner (@julieklausner) March 13, 2016
You don't have to have an eating disorder to attend the Kids' Choice Awards....but it helps!
— Julie Klausner (@julieklausner) March 13, 2016
I will never stop criticizing celebs who perpetuate dangerous beauty standards for a generation of girls who grow up thinking they're fat.
— Julie Klausner (@julieklausner) March 13, 2016
I'm concerned with the generation of girls who aspire to look like Zendaya. I do not worry about Zendaya's health or care whether she eats.
— Julie Klausner (@julieklausner) March 13, 2016
At this point, Zendaya is the ultimate pro at defending herself, and posted the following responses.
Do you find this funny? I will write another paragraph to educate you aswell #youreallywannabenext? https://t.co/z6dXOJ3Tai
— Zendaya (@Zendaya) March 13, 2016
Now....everyone go look in the mirror at their beautiful body, and love that shit😘 #thickgirlswinning #skinnygirlswinning #weallwinning
— Zendaya (@Zendaya) March 13, 2016
Have you any thoughts either way?