Gaga and Kinney Wow at American Horror Story: Hotel Premiere

Despite being surrounded by the likes of Naomi Campbell, Angela Bassett, Cheyenne Jackson, Chloe Sevigny, and the scariest looking little blonde children we've ever clocked, Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney only had eyes for each other at last night's premiere of FX's American Horror Story: Hotel. 

Gaga, who stars in the upcoming installment of the show, which is due to air on Wednesday on FX, was the epitome of Hollywood glam in a Brandon Maxwell guna. The 29-year-old performer (she's got more strings to her bow than "singing") and the 34-year-old actor got engaged on Valentine's day earlier this year, whereupon Gaga got presented with a massive heart shaped rock.

To promote the show, Gaga posted the below pic to Instagram over the weekend, captioned: "Some people just like to drink blood for fun. #ahspremiere #ahsfans #ahshotel." In case you're wondering, she plays the landlady of the hotel, The Countess, who's partial to a bit of red.

To promote the show, Gaga posted the below pic to Instagram over the weekend, captioned: "Some people just like to drink blood for fun. #ahspremiere #ahsfans #ahshotel." In case you're wondering, she plays the landlady of the hotel, The Countess, who's partial to a bit of red.

And then she posted this vid of her puppy - who REALLY wants a bit of her burger - because you need to keep the followers happy. Instagram isn't all about self promotion, you know.


Have you watched the previous American Horror Story instalments? Will you be tuning in this time (assuming you have FX)?

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