Bargains & Offers Galore!

Bargains & Offers Galore!
By  | Nov 11, 2008

By God do we like an offer at, and today I have three really daycent ones to tell you about.

If you head Clerys-wards on the  19th, 20th and 21st of November, REN are doing a deadly offer. Lay down €60 on REN products and if you mention, they'll give you products and treatments worth €45! So, what'll you get? REN Biometric Lip Honey (a faaaaab product), 50ml Moroccan Rose Otto Body Wash and 30ml Moroccan Rose Otto Bath Oil.  You'll also be treated to a detailed skin prescription using the latest skin-scanner tech and a lovely conditioning hand treatment using REN Guarande Salt Exfoliating Balm.

And the next offer? This month's Glamour comes complete with a full-sized Nails Inc polish! Yup, normal retail on these babies is about €14, so for a mere €3.24, you can have a bit of light reading and one of four on-trend nail colours. Yay! (thanks to Babaduck for this one)


Lastly, if you're panicking about getting body-buffed before The Christmas, let Renew Clinic, off Baggot Street, help. The gals there are  offering 6 sessions of Lipomassage to really shift those inches and 2 Microdermabrasion sessions so your skin will also get a makeover, all for a special price of €550, as well as face and detox treats in the form of  1 Microdermabrasion session and 1 Colonic Irrigation treatment for €200.

If you lassies know of any other great bargains and offers coming up or going on, let us know in a comment.