Bargain: Perfumes, The Guide Bargain: Perfumes, The Guide
By  | Nov 21, 2008

Recently the Sunday Times Style magazine ran a series of extracts from a new book all about scent. Perfumes, the Guide, by Luca Turin and  Tania Sanchez, is an essential read for anyone who's fond of fragrance. I read the series avidly, and picked up a copy of the book last week in Waterstones, mostly because it was half-price.

The info section is great and the reviews are hum-dingers. Really, no holds are barred. One for Marc Jacobs' Men aftershave reads, "Cacophonic mix of salaryman aftershave and a failed fig note". Yowsa. One of my faves, L by Apothia, is similarly savaged: "Sour, sweaty, derivative little thing that could have been a failed Hiris submission. Shameful in an expensive niche line". Yikes  - every time I wear it I get asked about 49 times what it is.  Or how about this one for cK IN2U Her: "OMG PU. Insanely strong fruit meets insanely strong woody amber. KTHXBYE". Tee hee. The point is, though - this is a rollicking read.


Normally €26.99, it's now on sale for €13.50 - great value for this lovely hard-backed book. A good reference buy for anyone building a library of ful tomes (me), it'll also make a brilliant Christmas present for a beauty junkie.