Blixz, Part Deux: The Toe Trials

Blixz, Part Deux: The Toe Trials
By  | Jun 29, 2010

Some of you may recall that I first gave Blixz a whirl back in March for the Irish Blog Awards. They're Minx-alike printed or metallic decals that you can buy online and stick on yizzerself in the comfort of your own gaff, and while I loved the idea of Blixz I found that it was only a couple of days before my shiny golden talons started peeling at the tips.

In fairness, I can't just blame the product: I'm really, really hard on my poor ol' fingernails.

With flip flip season in full swing and holidays fast approaching, I decided to try them on my toes instead. I trimmed the stick-on foils to size for my big toes, and when it came to the smaller toenails I just cut a shape to suit them out of the decals so as not to waste a whole sticker on them. I also gave each one a blast with the hairdryer as I positioned them on the nails to make them more flexible and improve adhesion.

Happily, there was none of the wrinkling or other issues that I had when putting them on my fingers. It's difficult to capture the mirror shine effect that you get with them on camera - what you're seeing reflected in them in the photo above is mostly my jeans! - but they look fantastic in real life. Just be careful to gently buff out any ridges from the nail before applying them, as ridges mean a less smooth finish which really detracts from their bling.


Minx proper are supposed to last between 4 and 6 weeks on toenails compared to 4 to 10 days on the handies. I'm on day 9 with my Blixzed toes and happy to report that my little mirrored nails are looking as perfect as the day I stuck them on.

There's just one problem with wearing these on your feet - you'll be liable to trip yourself up or walk into a wall because it's damn near impossible to stop looking down at them!

I bought my Blixz from Ideal Beauty Products for £9.99; there are 2 strips of 8 individual, sized decals in each pack. Delivery took 5 working days and cost £2.75.