Cheap Kerastase

Cheap Kerastase
By  | Jul 5, 2007

This is a question that's asked on again and again. Where's the cheapest place to buy Kerastase?

Kerastase is the most fantastic range of haircare. Quite simply, once you've used it and loved it, you'll never go back to supermarket brands. It's the Gucci of haircare, Natasha our haircare expert, reckons.
There's no denying that it is more expensive though. BUT it lasts for ages. And you are undoubtedly worth it - cos there's nothing worse than a bad hair day is there?

So this is how I work it out. Out of a bottle of shampoo you will get X number of washes. Divide this into the price of the bottle of shampoo and you get the price per wash - which will be a few cents. And to make it even cheaper, I buy the huge salon size bottles - 1 litre of Kerastase lasts a hell of a long time.


Buy it from StrawberryNET where a 250ml bottle of Nutritive Bain will cost you about €20 and a 1 litre bottle will cost around €55 - €60.

Ka -ching! It might sound like a fair whack to shell out in one go - but trust me it will save you a fortune to buy a litre bottle. And you won't need to buy any more shampoo for MONTHS!

Go to StrawberryNET