Coming to the Book Launch? Download a Nametag Here!

Coming to the Book Launch? Download a Nametag Here!
By  | Oct 7, 2011

BerG gave us the idea (to be fair, she's a gem and she often gives us ideas) to do nametags for tomorrow's book launch. We know lots of you are coming and you'd like to put names to faces. It's gonna be a busy, buzzy event and you might not get to chat to everyone you'd like. So: nametags, should you so desire. Should you not so desire, then no probs at all.

If you want to wear one, then we've made one for you guys to use. It's dead simple:


  1. Download the .jpg file linked above and either print it straight from your browser or open it in your graphics package*
  2. Now print it out on your printer (it'll be about the size of a business card on a sheet of A4)
  3. Cut around the lines with a scissors (ask for parental guidance should you need it)
  4. Write your name or blog name in the box provided. Sample names include Toni Tan, Testy Broader and Raincoat
  5. Here's where you could get fancy. Suggestions for making this even smarter looking include:
    1. You could glue this onto some card (taken from a Cornflakes packet, natch) to make it stiffer and then sellotape a safety pin to the back to attach it to your blouse or other lady garment
    2. If you have a plastic name card left over from an ICA meeting - or Macra na Feirme event - you could pop it in there
    3. Any other form of plastic card holder that comes with a lanyard or pinclip would also be perfect

That's really it - enjoy!

*ladies, really sorry but we probably won't know how to help with every system, software package and OS if you have a problem or issue with this, so best bet is to ask in a comment below and chances are another might have the same computer/configuration and will give a dig out. Cheers!

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