She got diamonds on the toes of her feet: long lasting Medi Pedi @ The Beauty Suite

She got diamonds on the toes of her feet: long lasting Medi Pedi @ The Beauty Suite
By  | Sep 2, 2008

Almost a month ago, I went for a Danné medi pedi in The Beauty Suite on South William Street in Dublin. I'll share all the gory details of the treatment itself in a future post, but today I want to have a little rave about the absolutely incredible finishing job that super-lovely therapist Cathy did on my toenails.

They look as though I only had the pedicure this morning, no word of a lie. The polish, a shocking vibrant fuschia by Essie, is still absolutely perfect - not a chip or a dent or a flaky peeling corner in sight. I should tell you at this point that I am not the type of girl who 'minds' her feet; I'm more the type to stub my toes on every single crack in a footpath and smush them into shoes that are probably a smidgen too small. The topcoat is as wet-look glossy as it was when it was first applied.


And the pièce de résistance, the line of teeny tiny diamante rhinestones which were applied with absolute precision just in front of the cuticles of the nails on my big toes, are all still present and correct and bling-tastic. But not in a tacky way. You'll have to take my word on it; no matter how beautified my tootles are I am not putting a pic of me feet up on the Interweb!

Definite thumbs (or maybe toes?) up.