Five strategies for extreme saving: no knickers and hairy legs

Five strategies for extreme saving: no knickers and hairy legs
By  | Sep 26, 2008

Fancy saving a few cents here and there on your grooming regime during these cash strapped times?

Well here's a few extreme ideas to take on board courtesy of Totally Money blogger FruGal:

  1. Go commando. You'll feel the benefits of fresh air and it will keep life interesting. Plus it will save a fortune - even if you are thrifty and go for M&S multipacks
  2. Don't bother to shave, thus dispensing with the need to buy razors, go for waxing etc. It will also help to keep you warm if you are following step one and have become knickerless.
  3. Pedicures are out. Simply let your toenails grow long and curly as nature intended  (wear Birkenstocks to complete the look).
  4. The London Look? You don't want to be swallowing any of that aul blarney from the marketing men - stop spending money on overpriced cosmetics
  5. Jack in the gym. Far too expensive. Pick up a pair of elasticated waist trousers that you can comfortably expand into and don't worry about your figure.

Read more Evil Tips for Frugal living here.