For Hands That Do Dishes: Have You Ever Washed Your Hair With Washing-up Liquid?

For Hands That Do Dishes: Have You Ever Washed Your Hair With Washing-up Liquid?
By  | Dec 10, 2010

Hairdressers keep a sneaky bottle beneath the sinks to get through the grease on the heads of grannies who only come in for shampoo and set every fortnight, the dad is firm in his no-nonsense assertion that "sure it's all just detergent anyway" (his sentiments were echoed in Monday's recession-man-grooming-shockka post) and we've long been entreated to use washing-up liquid if we want to strip a particularly heinous dye-job.

But while I'd disagree wholeheartedly with dad's assumption that what's good for de-gunking your chip-pan will also be kind and gentle to your locks, there have definitely been times in the past when I have used a squirt of Fairy to wash my hair when I've realised in a panic that I'm out of shampoo.

I'm pretty sure most of us have and while washing up liquid's not one we'd recommend you include into your regular beauty arsenal, a squizz now and then in times of extreme need won't hurt a bit.

So, have you succumbed? G'wan, no judgement here.


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