Hair Raising: What's Been Your Biggest Hair Disaster?

Hair Raising: What's Been Your Biggest Hair Disaster?
By Miriam Burke  | Jul 27, 2015

I got my hair blow dried for a wedding on Saturday and was really loving the result - until the stylist broke out the teasing brush. It seems as though you can't go to an event without a bit of backcombing and some hairspray. Or an awful lot of backcombing and a full can of hairspray as was my case.

I wanted a sleek Olivia Palermo straight but voluminous kind of 'do but what I got was the alien from Mars Attacks.

Well, what else could I do bit slap on the blue eye shadow and sashay down to the church chewing gum? Brush it out, that's what and let me tell you brushing out back combing while trying to keep volume and style is no easy task and it's really sore.

However, it wasn't the biggest hair disaster I've had and because I fixed it and it looked fine it was only a disaster for about half an hour but it was enough to irk me.


My biggest hair disaster was when I got my long locks chopped all the way off after seeing a picture of a cool girl in Just 17. It was in the Natalie Imbruglia in the Torn video style and was plastered in gel. I didn't get how much maintenance it would take to manage a style like that (despite the hairdresser's warning) and thought I would look just like her. I didn't. I can laugh about it now but guys, growing that out was a traumatic time.

Then of course there was the time I got The Rachel. And then there's the mullet that I hid under a hat for a semester of college.

Have you ever made a bad hair decision? Have you ever seen your hair fall to the ground and wish it would swallow you up?