Kerastase Launch Stimuliste for Thinning Hair

Kerastase Launch Stimuliste for Thinning Hair
By  | Oct 2, 2009

It's not just men who suffer from thinning hair - women do too, and it can be caused by a whole heap of reasons: pregnancy, stress, tiredness plus biological and hereditary factors can all come into play. The 'bad hair day' expression was invented for a reason - for lots of us, hair is our crowning glory and if it doesn't look good then we don't feel right.

While we're waiting for the cosmetic industry to come up with a solution to the problem of hairloss - and whoever finds it will be rich beyond their wildest dreams - there have been some recent developments that are inching us towards the final goal.


New from salon brand Kerastase is Stimuliste, a leave-in spray that "helps to reinforce the hair fibre, maintain the density of thinning hair and reduce the rate of hairloss." You lash on ten squizzes into scalp daily, massage in and leave on, with no rinsing required. It has a two-step approach: Aminexil helps to reduce the rate of hairloss and amino acid arginine helps to provide added substance - meaning hair looks thicker.

€49.30 is the damage, and you'll find it - and a companion shampoo - at Kerastase salons now.