Lisa Eldridge No7 Ballerina Beauty: ladylike and perfectly pleasant

Lisa Eldridge No7 Ballerina Beauty: ladylike and perfectly pleasant
By  | Feb 5, 2013

Attention shoppers!

This collection can only be applied under certain conditions.  You must have your jewelry box open, let the cerise sateen lining warm you with its lurid glow and allow the tinny tinkle of the tune to wash over you.

Failure to comply will result in you poking yourself in the eye with mascara and the whole thing will end horribly.

Simply plié over to your make up mirror (as you would do anyway), adjust your tutu, firmly fix on your tiara and you're ready to go.

Apparently inspired by Margot Fonteyn, this collection will appeal to the zillions of Lisa Eldridge fans among you - she stays true to her fresh, pretty aesthetic.  Disappointingly there’s no video (that I can track down) of Lisa giving us a little demo of the collection, but maybe she’ll make one if we ask her nicely?

UPDATE: And here's the video!


So what are we looking at?  No7 sent us a couple of neutral eyeshadows (€9.25),a felt tip marker style eyeliner (€10.50), a pretty pink lipstick (€12.25) and a super sweet blusher compact (€15.50).  There are also lashes and a couple of nailvarnishes in the collection.

The blusher compact is undoubtedly the star of the show.  The Swan in the Lake if you will. It even has a little pink peter pan collar type effect - which you will either find adorable or too cutesy for words.  In fact when I showed this earlier on Twitter the name of the collection triggered a few gag responses - it might be too kiddy for some of you? 

The colours swirl together on the brush making this blush subtle and quite neutral.  In fact the entire collection is not for anyone who likes their makeup to pop: it's understated and ladylike.  You've got a chance to make your eyes quite strong if you wish with the marker style eyeliner which will create an easy peasy black line without the fiddlyness of a liquid liner. 


There's a BB Cream too (No7 Beautiful Skin €16.95), the coverage is good.  I was surprised by the texture because it seems heavy for a BB  and it's quite moisturising – it’s a moisturising foundation really.  I’ve included a pack shot because the ingredients are nice (like rosehip oil) and No7 do fab skincare so this will definitely be of interest to lots of you.  It's suitable for dry skin only though - don't go near this BB if you're oily, it will slide right off.

It's the KISS approach to makeup (Keep It Simple Stupid) and you really won't go wrong here if you decide to pick up a few bits and pieces.

Now excuse me darlings, I have to exit the stage wearing a gracious smile and clutching a huge bookay.  But inside my head I’m screaming in pain – MY FEET ARE KILLING ME!

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