How to target your skincare regime at home

How to target your skincare regime at home
By Sarah Jane Lanagan  | Oct 24, 2018

Multi-masking might sound like it involves a lot of effort, but in reality its really easy. The technique is all about targeting your skincare for the most effective results.

Multi-masking is something we've come to love here at Beaut HQ. It's a simple idea that works really well, especially when it comes to controlling oil, breakouts, dehydration or all of them put together. You see, like most people, we all suffer with combination skin. Sometimes it behaves itself, sometimes not. And that is why the whole notion of multi-masking works so well for us. It's basically all about creating a tailored made skincare routine.

How Multi-Masking Works

The theory behind multi-masking is that you use products (i.e. face masks) where they are needed, rather than all over the face. The thought behind this is that our complexion is more complex than just one condition or skin type. So, it isn't just dry, or just oily, but a mix of each. We can be dry and oily, or dehydrated and congested. Depending on circumstances, such as weather, those could change too.


Multi-masking is about targeting those areas that need our attention. So for example, if your T-Zone tends to be oily and congested, but your cheeks dry, then you can use two kinds of face masks to treat the different areas. Similarly, if you're suffering with winter skin and your nose is peeling a little, you can treat that area with an extra hydrating mask.

Although multi-masking is technically all to do with face masks, the theory of it can be applied easily to other products we use on a daily basis. Take foundation for example - if you generally find that your T-Zone is oily but the rest of your complexion isn't, try using a mix of a mattifying foundation and a hydrating formula for the different areas.

Have you tried multi-masking yet? Would you use the idea of it to mix foundations too?