Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment review: stinks of fags but leaves hair nourished and manageable

Ojon Restorative Hair Treatment review: stinks of fags but leaves hair nourished and manageable
By Beaut.ie  | Aug 29, 2011

"What is that SMELL?" said Himself upon encountering me with a headful of Ojon.

"Has someone been smoking in here?  UGH."

"No, it's just this stuff I have in my hair" I replied brandishing the brown tub.  "It's from the rainforest."

"It smells like it's from the bottom of a pub ashtray."

So that gets the  most annoying thing about Ojon out of the way: the smell.  The second annoying thing about the Restorative Hair Treatment is the whole "ritual" aspect of it.  This treatment is essentially an oil that you comb through your hair and leave to soak in.  It begins life as a solid almost waxy substance that you scoop out of the tub and "warm gently in your hands" before lovingly combing through your locks.


This takes AGES.  A teaspoon of the stuff  melts in your hands.  Then you put it through your hair.  Then repeat.  Then repeat.  Because of the length of my hair I had to go back six times.  Now I'm not really into "rituals".  I'm more into "taking the stuff out of the tub and slapping it instantly onto hair without meditating on the rainforest."

But once done, I tied my hair up and left it on for the night.  The smell however bothered me the entire time it was on.  You know the way you usually stop noticing a smell after a while?  It didn't happen here.

When I got up in the morning I could hardly wait to wash the stuff out.  Using Ojon Damage Reverse Shampoo and Conditioner (which smells fine you'll be pleased to hear) I was soon Fag Free and ready to face the world.  Putting some L'Oreal Professionel Absolut Repair Cellular serum (magic stuff I love it) through my damp hair I blasted it with the dryer.

And do you know what?  The Ojon really worked well.  My hair was tons easier to blow dry, it was softer and more manageable and felt much more conditioned and soft.  This is a natural product that seems to consist mostly of palm oil and then some more palm oil.  Apparently there is a secret 'ojon seed' in there somewhere - maybe that's what reeks so badly.  Ojon say: "After ripe nut clusters are cut from the Ojon tree, they are stacked in the hot sun to dry. The next day, the nuts are washed in water and then softened in boiling water. They are then smashed with logs in a wooden barrel, peeled and then each nut is cracked to remove the kernels. From these kernels an elixir is extracted, which becomes a velvety paste when cooled."

And as we have also ascertained that no Orangutan habitats are disturbed in the harvesting of the palm oil for this product (it comes from the Amazon and Orangs only live in South East Asia) that was another plus.

But is it just too expensive for what it is?  Would you get the same results from any solid oil (say coconut oil), or even olive oil left in your hair overnight?  These are questions we must ask ourselves.

As for me, yes I will use this again.  My hair is really dry and a good old soak in oil does it the world of good.  It's a yes from me.

(Available from Arnotts.  Will update with prices asap)