Origins Offer at Arnotts

Origins Offer at Arnotts
By  | Nov 29, 2007

Hooha! The Christmas offers are starting, and this is a good 'un - spend €200 (easily done!) at the Origins counter at Arnotts only, and get that snuggly looking cosy robe up there for absolutely free! So you get to feel warm inside at your own generosity, and you get a lovely gift too. Oh, I like this idea.

The robe is quite special - made from bamboo textile, the fibres in it are extracted from natural plants. It contains no chemical components, plus none are added during the manufacturing process, so that means no bleaching or anything like that. And why bamboo? Well, it is the most genuine environmentally friendly and sustainable fibre, plus it grows rapidly too - in 2 or 3 years, making it very sustainable.


And that's not all Origins have up their helpful sleeves - they're going to box and wrap all purchases with Origins festive gift offerings - see pic above, helping you to create the perfect Christmas present.