The exclusive Palmer Cutler range. It is... cheap!

The exclusive Palmer Cutler range.  It is... cheap!
By  | Sep 25, 2007

Buy Cosmetics never ceases to amaze me with their cheapness.

This here is an amazing bargain. Or... is it? It's the Patsy Palmer bodywash and scrub duo. I'm intrigued by this because quite frankly the packaging looks like crap. The product names are witty uninspired. Hey Patsy you're a ginger. Let's make stuff with ginger in it! Thus the legend must have been born.

"It is... ginger!". And the products smell of ginger.


But how much trust can you place in goodies which look like ...this. Did Rickaaaay design them? In the Arches, in the dark?
With the Buy One Get One Free you can pick up both the shower gel and the scrub for €4.88.

€2.44 each - not even Pauline could have a face on her about that.