Rate Your Hairdresser

Rate Your Hairdresser
By Andrea  | Jul 18, 2014

One question that’s asked over and over on Beaut.ie is: can you recommend a good hairdresser? And just this week one of our readers mentioned to me on Twitter (if you aren't already following us on the Tweet machine, you'll find us @beautie) that we hadn't done a really good rate my hairdresser in an age.

And they were right. Apart from being an almost zen-like and cathartic activity, sharing the info and the hairy love will only improve the locks of the land.

So that’s the question I put to you all now – where is your favourite hairdresser? What’s your favourite salon? Why is it so good? Do you only go for biscuits?


So leave a comment and let us all know your recommendations and we'll compile our very own Goldilocks Pages!

Have you ever followed a hairdresser to a new salon because he or she was so brilliant? Give them some glory, they deserve it! And if you want to tell us what salon is great for a specific type of hair, that's super info that we shall with the beauties across the galaxies. To the comments!