The one where Lynnie falls head over heels for Scholl

The one where Lynnie falls head over heels for Scholl
By  | Jun 3, 2008

Now, I'm not usually one to absolutely fall hook, line and sinker for a product after only one go. Usually, I like to really give things a good oul' whirl before I decide whether they're destined for my bathroom cabinet or the bin. But even though I've only been using the new Scholl toenail brightening treatment stuff for a week, the results are so impressive that I've already decided it's a winner.

You're supposed to use it once a week for a month - great in itself as it's so non-labour intensive! - so I've only actually whacked it on my toenails the once. Even so, they've gone from discoloured crubeens to having a healthy-looking pinkness about them, and for probably the first time in years I can bear to look at them without nail varnish on.


I'll let you know the final verdict in three week's time, but unless something goes really horribly wrong between this and then you can expect a resounding YAY!