The Scouse Brow: Hot or, er, Not ...?

The Scouse Brow: Hot or, er, Not ...?
By  | Nov 29, 2011

Despite many protests from Himself about it being the lowest common denominator of TV et cetera, Desperate Scousewives was Sky Plussed last night. "No, no," he said, backing away from the promo ads, "the, er, Sky box won't record that." Me: "Why not?" Him, casting about for any desperate excuse. "Eh. OH! Because I'm also recording the Apprentice at the same time." Me, in technological marvel mode, "yes but you can record two programmes at once and I'll just watch one of them." Him, knowing when defeated, bad-temperedly set the show to series link.

Anyway, I guffawed my way through it so score one for entertainment, and none more so when makeup artist Jodie performed her 'speciality' on a model during a test at a job interview.

Here, ladies, is the Scouse Brow. Look at it and admire its overdrawn, super-dark, beetle-brown ways. Salon owners Mark and Chris shifted chihuahua from arm to arm and looked taken aback as they asked model Cassie, (who didn't seem too sure at first) "what do you think?" to which she replied, "ah luvvit!"



Will you be asking for such a thing next time you're down the beauty salon?

Or, er, maybe not.