Wanna be a Hair Model? Dublin's Alfaparf Academy Want to Hear from YOU!

Wanna be a Hair Model? Dublin's Alfaparf Academy Want to Hear from YOU!
By Beaut.ie  | Jun 22, 2009

We're all aware that colourin' 'n cuttin' hair is an expensive business, and it's one reason that so many people are turning to home hair colour, a lot of them for the first time.

But what if you don't trust yourself to do it properly? Then you either put up and shut up and pay the going rate - or you go without. Not particularly fab choices, addmitedly. What if there was a third option? Happily, there is, and it's that of becoming a hair model.

Dublin's Alfaparf Academy in Kilmainham is currently recruiting gals who're after "state-of the-art, Vogue-ish cuts and the kind of superb colouring products for which this brand is known." Think that might be you? If so, all you'll need to cough up is a pic of yourself, plus your name and contact details.

Simples! And free!

Info on how to apply is after ze cut. (the cut, oh I kill me)



Send in an image of yourself with your name and contact details to the ALFAPARF Academy, Kilmainham, Dublin 8


E-mail a .jpg and your name and contact details to bmoate@gmail.com or call 01 672 5960.