Yay to Carrots!

Yay to Carrots!
By Beaut.ie  | Feb 19, 2008

You might remember we had a great competition for Yes to Carrots goody bags a wee while ago? Well, we've been getting some great feedback from the lucky winners - unusual in itself, as we never tend to hear back from people when they win (which makes us a bit sad). So it says a lot that two of the gals who netted the swag emailed us.

Emma told us that, "I work in an organic chemistry lab, and what with wearing gloves all day we go through tons of hand cream, and the girls nearly took the whole tube on me! We're hand cream veterans - Nivea, Clarins, L'Occitane, Vaseline, Neutrogena, Burt's Bees... the list goes on... and this Carrots stuff is a total stand-out". Wow, praise indeed, eh?


Jill was similarly impressed, and alerted us to a bargain too: "After a couple of weeks of loving my Yes To Carrots day cream and hand/elbow cream (haven't done the mask yet) I spotted a great trio pack in Meaghers Chemist on Baggot St - 3 full sizes - shower gel, body butter & moisturising scrub for €19.95 - which as a now-avid carrot fan I snapped up".

Have you tried the range? If so, what do you think?