Rate it: best bras for big boobs

Rate it: best bras for big boobs
By Beaut.ie  | Jan 7, 2013

Sick of only being able to buy boring old boulder holders?  Tired of shops never having your size?  Fed up with never being able to buy the pretty colours with lacy trims?  If you answered yes to any of these questions then this post may be for you.

As soon as we put up our post on best bras for small boobs I knew I'd get a ton of request from those of you who are more generously endowed.

Now this is a quite a big problem (excuse the pun) because it can be so difficult to get a decent bra for anything over a D cup.  You can be one size in one shop, a different size in a different shop - and then they go and change supplier and you're back to square one.


And lo betide you put on weight/lose weight or decide to go for a balcony rather than your usual t-shirt bra say - because you may be a different size in different "models".

We've talked endlessly about bras - how bloody uncomfortable they can be be and the importance of getting fitted for a good one.

But it's an eternal problem and there can never be enough good recommendations.  So rate the places and bra fitters where you've had the most successful experiences!