Survey Shows Irish People Spend Over €1,300 On Buying Lunch

Survey Shows Irish People Spend Over €1,300 On Buying Lunch
By  | Jun 18, 2015

If you're one of the few people who bring their lunch in every day, then you don't need to be too worried, but for those of us who either don't have the time or want a bit of a lie on, the cost is mounting.

A survey on behalf of Flora Light found that people who choose to buy their lunch from the local shop or cafe are spending over €1,300 on average every year for the convenience of not having to make it in the morning or the night before.

The most popular sandwiches were the classic ham and cheese, with the BLT coming in second, and cajun chicken third. Brown bread proved to be the most popular for serving the sandwich, with wraps, sourdough and finally good old white bread falling into fourth spot.


Do you make your lunch or do you have a favourite spot to grab a bite to eat near your office?

Via Main pic via Stocksnap