Aisling has tried everything in her quest to get rid of her cellulite. Will Cellfina finally be the treatment for the job?
Cellulite is one of those things that you are either born with or not. You can be the slimmest and healthiest of people in the world and still have it.
Your genes are what you have to thank on that front. Unlucky for me, I was "blessed" with cellulite. I have had it all my life, and it has progressively got worse as time goes on. Last year, in the run-up to my wedding, I tried a few different treatments to try to get rid of it, including going to the gym up to six days a week and eating clean (apart from the weekend bottle of wine of course).
Having tried Venus Freeze, endermologie, dry brushing and all the creams I had kind of given up. Although some of these treatments helped a bit, I can't say it completely removed my cellulite; it reduced it temporarily. I wanted a long-term solution.
Recently, I was told about Cellfina, the first and only FDA cleared treatment that is clinically proven to improve the appearance of cellulite. How could I resist?
I booked a consultation with River Medical, who have a great reputation when it comes to cosmetic procedures. A serious draw for me is that they offer unlimited, lifetime 24/7 aftercare, which is so comforting if you are undergoing an invasive procedure.
The Consultation
From the receptionist to the nurse, I was greeted with a genuine smile. I filled in a consultation form and sat down to find out exactly what this treatment entails. Pamela went through every detail carefully to make sure I was the right candidate for the procedure. She checked my bum and thighs in different lights and from different angles of the room and marked anywhere I had indents.
After a thorough investigation, she decided that I was a good candidate for the treatment. What Pamala explained was that a lot of time people think that they have cellulite, but in fact, they just have skin laxity, which would require a completely different treatment.
On the Day
I was told to wear loose fitting trousers for after the treatment, so I was prepared. When I arrived at the clinic, I was again greeted with a lovely smile. I met my doctor Emma and nurse Aisling. Both put me straight at ease and just as Pamela did, they marked out all the dimples in the back of my legs and bum. Once they had found every one I lay face down on a bed in the room and got ready for the procedure.
Aisling and Emma were chatting away, so I honestly felt so at ease, it was like just hanging out with old friends in your house and having a giggle (without the wine).
What is Cellfina
The treatment uses a needle-sized device to cut some of the above-mentioned fibrous tissues that hold your body's fat together to smooth out dimpling. You'll start to see results in about a week, and they'll last for about three years.
The process starts with a local anaesthetic being injected in the area needed. This for me was the worst part of the whole treatment - and it wasn't that bad.
Cellulite is caused by connective bands or tiny filaments (called “fibrous septae”) that anchor the skin to the underlying tissue, pulling down on the skin’s underside causing cellulite dimples. Cellfina’s pioneering technology addresses this by breaking up the bands and releasing them, allowing the skin to snap back and smooth itself out, after one single in-clinic procedure.
The whole process takes about an hour and is carried out by a doctor and nurse, so you know you are in great hands. Directly after the treatment, I had a bit of weeping from the incisions, so I had dressings on. I wouldn't be planning a big night out the night of your treatment.
After Treatment
There was bruising, but honestly, it was only mild discomfort for about three days. After that, I kind of forgot that I had it at all.
The results take about one - three months to see properly. I only had mine done a week ago; so far, I can see the bruising subsisting and swelling going down. But I will be continuing to document this treatment and will do a follow up after a month and three months.
This is a once off treatment, and the results last up to three years, but by all accounts, people are getting longer out of it. It almost improves with time. The price point is €3000, but if you have tried everything unsuccessfully like me, and you're in the 85% of women who suffer badly with genetic cellulite, then this is the solution for you.
Stay tuned to see how I get on in the coming months.
If you are interested in finding out more about this treatment, book your free consultation at River Medical by phoning 01 6629106 or visit www.rivermedical.ie. River Medical is located at 5 Herbert Place, Dublin 2.