Win! Signed copies of Blood Money by Arlene Hunt

If you love crime writing - then you're gonna adore this new book from Arlene Hunt.

We have a very special place in our hearts for Ms Hunt - not only has she kept us engrossed with many happy hours of QuicK Investigations - but she has also given us two signed copies of Blood Money to give away. Yay!

Arlene is a fab writer, her books are engaging and fast moving with great characters (hands up anyone who loves John and Sarah). If you'd like the chance to curl up with her new - sure to be another bestseller - title just visit her website and tell us the name of one of her other books. Email your answer to [email protected] and we'll let you know who's won later today - check this post for details.


The Blood Money launch is on in the Gutter Bookshop Cow's Lane, Temple Bar Dublin this Wednesday @6.30. Kirstie and I will be there - why not drop by and get your book signed!

***  Congrats to Emer O'Brien and Kerstie Flanagan! The tombola selected you lucky ladies and Arlene will send you on a copy of her hot off the presses book.  Huzzah! ***

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